World Health Day 2024: Research Essay

In a world where nearly half the population lacks access to essential health services, World Health Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it becomes a call for global solidarity and action. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, says, “No one should have to choose between death and financial hardship.” [1] Yet, every day, people are faced with this unacceptable choice because of the lack of universal health coverage.

WHO has selected “My Health, My Right” as the theme for World Health Day 2024. This choice underscores the fact that health is a fundamental human right and advocates that every individual deserves access to quality healthcare services, regardless of race, geography, or political orientation.

In this article we will discuss why it is important to celebrate world health day, and why the theme “my health, my right” fits the present scenario of health crisis across the globe.

World Health day 2024 Wellhealth tips
World Health day 2024

What Is Health? 

WHO defines health as “Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition was recently expanded to include the ability to lead a “socially and economically productive life”. [4]

The WHO constitution preamble (1948) declares, “It is the fundamental right of everyone to achieve the highest attainable standard of health.” [5]

Our Right to Health:

The right to health first emerged in Article 25 of human rights at the international level during the declaration of universal human rights in 1948. It was one of the last rights to be integrated into the constitutions of most countries after 1948. [6]

Importance of World Health Day:

We celebrate World Health Day every year to acknowledge the foundation day of the World Health Organization. [2] This day is dedicated to raising awareness about important health issues the world is facing and giving efforts to mitigate these issues. [3]

Millions of people globally lack access to essential health services, education, and basic resources for a healthy life due to factors like poverty, geographical location, discrimination or Conflict zones. [7]

The WHO aims to highlight this imbalance in health delivery and advocate for a world where optimal health and well-being are achievable for everyone, everywhere. [2]

It’s the day for everyone—governments, communities, and Individuals—to work together and advocate good health for everyone.

By observing this day, we join hands to make our communities healthier and stronger. 

Why The Theme For World Health Day 2024 is ‘My health, My right’:

Only 140 out of 195 countries recognize health as a basic human right in their constitution latest by 2021,[8] and approximately 4.5 billion people were not fully covered by essential health services, representing half of the global population.[9]

2024 World Health Day Theme theme was chosen to advocate the right of everyone, everywhere to:

  1. Quality health services
  2. Education, and information,
  3. Safe drinking water
  4. Clean air, 
  5. Good nutrition
  6. Quality housing
  7. Decent working and environmental conditions, and 
  8. Freedom from discrimination.

This theme is pivotal as it champions health as a fundamental right for all. [10]

Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals:

Celebrating World Health Day supports the achievement of Sustainable Development “Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being,” which is pivotal for building healthy, prosperous, and sustainable societies and links health to other SDGs. [11]

What Can You Do on World Health Day 2024?

  • Take charge of your health by making informed choices about your diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Regular health checkups are essential.
  • Utilise technology for health through engaging with health apps and digital platforms that promote health education, disease prevention, and wellness.
  • Educate yourself about global health challenges and the right to health. The WHO website is a valuable resource.
  • Support health initiatives by donating money to a good cause.
  • Address current health priorities through digital health campaigns on social media to spread awareness about mental health, healthy lifestyle choices to avoid non-communicable diseases, and the distribution of health services in your area or state.
  • Support healthcare workers by acknowledging their dedication and sacrifices in safeguarding public health.
  • Engage in community health initiatives by participating and volunteering in local health promotion activities and supporting community-based organizations working towards better health.
  • Advocate for environmental health by understanding that a clean environment contributes to good health. Actions like joining local clean-up efforts, planting trees, and supporting groups that promote sustainable living can make a difference.


As we mark World Health Day 2024 with the theme “My Health, My Right,” we’re reminded that health is not just a fundamental human right but essential for an equitable society. Despite advances in healthcare, millions still lack access to essential health services, and this gap must be closed. This day calls for collective action to ensure everyone, everywhere, has access to quality healthcare, clean water, and a clean environment.

How will you contribute to this World Health Day?

Let us know in the comments section.

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FAQs on World Health Day 2024:

Q. Why is April 7 celebrated as World Health Day?

A. April 7 is World Health Day because it’s the day the World Health Organization (WHO) was started in 1948. It’s a special day to remind everyone around the world that being healthy is a basic right and to work together to fix health problems that people face everywhere.

Q. When was the first World Health Day celebrated?

A. The first World Health Day took place in 1950, a year after the establishment of the WHO. It has since been an annual event on April 7, focusing on different health issues each year to improve global health awareness and action.

Q. What is the World Health Day theme 2024?

A. The theme for World Health Day 2024 is “My Health, My Right,” emphasizing health as a fundamental human right. This theme aims to ensure that everyone, regardless of background, has access to the quality health services they need without facing financial hardship.

Q. Why is World Health Day celebrated?

A. World Health Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the critical importance of good health, spotlighting the inequalities in health care access worldwide. It supports the WHO’s mission to build a healthier future for people all over the globe, advocating for universal health coverage and highlighting health issues that require global attention.

Q. How does environmental health relate to the theme of World Health Day 2024?

A. Environmental health is crucial to the theme “My Health, My Right” because a clean and safe environment is foundational for good health. Access to clean air, water, and a pollution-free environment directly impacts an individual’s health and is included in the broader definition of health rights.

Q. Why is the theme “My Health, My Right” chosen for World Health Day 2024?

A. The theme “My Health, My Right” highlights the importance of universal health care access as a fundamental human right. It reflects the urgent global need to eliminate health disparities and ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can access the healthcare services they need.

Q. What are the main health issues World Health Day 2024 aims to address?

A. World Health Day 2024 focuses on critical issues such as the lack of access to essential healthcare services, the rise of non-communicable diseases, mental health concerns, the impact of environmental factors on health, and the ongoing challenges posed by pandemics.

Q. What is the history and significance of the right to health?

A. The right to health was first recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, establishing health as a fundamental human right. This acknowledgment emphasizes the importance of equitable access to healthcare services, underscoring health as essential to human dignity and well-being.

Q. What role can individuals play in promoting the theme of World Health Day 2024?

A. Individuals can support the “My Health, My Right” theme by educating and advocating for health rights, making healthy lifestyle choices, supporting healthcare workers, engaging in community health efforts, raising awareness through social media, contributing to health-focused organizations, and championing environmental health to ensure a healthy living environment for everyone.

Dr. P.Kumar, MD

Dr. P.Kumar, MD

WellHealth Tips

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